

Various waveforms have different power levels in them. A damped waveform only has about 11% power in it. This is due to the fact that it rises very quickly but it also drops off very quickly. To put this into perspective let’s take into consideration Dr. Rife’s power level in the Rife Ray #4. It had a power output of 400 watts. Though the instrument was capable of producing 400 watts the damped waveform was only equal to being on for 11% of the time. This is referred to as a waveform’s duty cycle. A waveform has an ON and OFF time. The ON time of the damped waveform was only ON for 11% of the time and OFF for 89% of the time. Though the Rife Ray #4 was a 400 watt machine it only had about 44 watts of RMS energy in its waveform because the waveform was only on for 11% of the time which produced the 400 watt pulses. The duty cycle of a waveform determines two things; it determines the power used and the power that is output through the ray tube.

The Rife ray #4 worked very well with this new power output but it had some drawbacks. By the summer of 1936 Dr. Rife’s engineer, Philip Hoyland, designed and built a new machine call the Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical machine. This machine was reduced back to 75 watts. Reducing it back to 75 watts was made possible because of the new waveform it used. Instead of using a damped waveform it used a square wave waveform. The square wave waveform can give you 100% of the power in the waveform for the time that it is ON.

To put this into perspective this new square wave waveform has 50% of the total output power in its waveform. So the 1936 Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray clinical instrument had 37.5 watts of RMS energy in its waveform when modulate with a 50% square wave duty cycle. The Rife ray #4 had 44 watts of RMS energy in its waveform when modulated with an 11% damped wave duty cycle. And the Rife Ray #3 only had 5.5 watts of RMS energy in its waveform when modulated with an 11% damped wave duty cycle.

The square wave waveform made it possible to build a machine that was reduced back to the 75 watt RMS power level which could rival the 400 watt Rife Ray #4 machine. It was said of the Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical machine that it worked better than any of the previous machines. This Rife Ray #5 will be discussed in greater detail later in this report.

” PULSAR GENESYS+ has power consumption of 158 Watts and duty cycle of 50% which makes one of the most powerful devices of its kind. “

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The Pulsar Genesys technology is designed for scientific research purposes.

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The Pulsar Biohack technology is designed for scientific research purposes.

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